Space, Project, or Maintenance Request?

Space Requests

Space Requests serve as a formalized process for units within the university to seek additional on-campus space for their specific needs. These requests undergo a review process for potential internal solutions, followed by approval and funding by the unit's Dean or Director. Once approved internally, the requests are then submitted for review by the Space Management Team, who assess the feasibility and availability of the requested space. Please review the space allocation process prior to submitting a space request form and ensure that your request aligns with the established guidelines.

Project Requests 

Project Intake is the initial step to access ISS Campus Environments & Facilities expertise for furniture solutions, facility projects, or planning studies. Facility projects involve lasting structural or design changes in existing facilities or new construction. Planning studies focus on space and facility needs, as well as broader campus-wide design issues. Project Intake serves as a formalized request process for individuals or groups seeking ISS assistance in these areas.

Maintenance Request

Maintenance requests are another aspect of accessing ISS Campus Environments & Facilities. These requests involve addressing the functional needs of existing systems such as plumbing, electrical, and HVAC, etc. Maintenance requests serve as a formalized process for individuals or groups to seek assistance from ISS in maintaining and ensuring the proper functioning of these systems within UNM buildings.