Space Allocation Committee
The Space Allocation Committee (SAC) meets once a month to discuss the assignment and utilization of facilities and space occupied by the University of New Mexico. The committee makes recommendations to the Space Management Team (SMT) on how space needs have changed. This could include space on North, Central, and South campuses but does not include space allocated to the Health System and Athletics.
This PDF offers more detail about the operation of the Space Allocation Committee, its structure and guidance, related subcommittees, and the goals of the space allocation process.
Related Groups
- Assitant Vice President for Academic Resource Management
- Space Management Team
- Health Systems Space Allocation Committee
- Branch/College/Departmental Space Allocation Committees
- Athletics Space Allocation
- Student Union Building Board
Committee Meetings
The Space Allocation Committee meets once a month:
- Friday November 15, 2024, 11 A.M.
- Friday December 20, 2024, 11 A.M.
- Friday January 17, 2025, 11 A.M.
- Friday February 21, 2025, 11 A.M.
- Friday March 21, 2025, 11 A.M.
- Friday April 18, 2025, 11 A.M.
- Friday May 16, 2025, 11 A.M.
SAC Co-Chairs:
Lea Briggs, Senior Operations Manager, Provost’s Office
Rosie Dudley, University Planner | Director, Campus Capital and Space Planning
SAC Members:
Stephen Bishop, Professor in Languages Cultures & Literatures, Faculty Senate Representative
Greg Trejo, Associate Director Finance & Admin, Office of the Vice President for Research
Flo Olguin, Director of Operations, Student Affairs
David Weiss Dean, University College
Deborah Vigil Keiltyka, Associate Director, Admissions/Recruitment Offices
Rick Henrard, Senior Associate Director, Facilities Management
Pending Student representative from ASUNM/GPSA
The SAC must have current and reliable space data to assist in space planning decisions. To that end, all space data (including branch, school, college, and unit data) has been centralized, and relevant processes should be implemented to help maintain data integrity and ensure that every space request is treated fairly. Each unit’s space allocation committee should regularly update and maintain space data, with annual audits performed.
Each branch/college/department’s space allocation committee will periodically review existing space allocations' utilization, quantity, and quality. These reviews should reference published University space guidelines and give due consideration to inefficiencies associated with the space’s design, location, and condition.
The University complies with the NM Higher Education Department’s requirement to maintain a facilities space inventory database of record that houses all space data for every building in their inventory. The database must classify spaces using the Postsecondary Education Facilities Inventory and Classification Manual (FICM): 2006 Edition. Campus Capital & Space Planning (CCSP) is the steward of the space database of record for The University. Departments are responsible for regular updates to the space inventory when changes occur, such as occupant, classification, function, room contact, or grant status change. The University space database of record is the source that will be used for the analysis of existing space allocation analysis and any changes to allocations.