Asset Management Committee

The AMC aims to support, advise, and formulate recommendations for the UNM President regarding facility and land use decisions, using strategic master plans such as the Integrated Campus Plan (ICP) to evaluate the project or development of the campus physical environment to reinforce UNM 2040 and maximize UNM’s impact on the communities it serves.

Meeting Information

The AMC meets bimonthly to hear information and action items from the AMC SubcommitteesThe AMC votes to determine which recommendations shall be forwarded to the UNM President and Board of Regents, as appropriate, and which are included in the Annual Report to the PresidentMeetings are scheduled by the Tri-Chairs, and meeting minutes are taken and distributed to committee members for approvalThe AMC Tri-Chairs have the authority to invite subject matter experts to review and offer adviceon pending issues before the AMC.  

Related Groups 

AMC membership will include these Tri-Chairs:
  • Provost/Executive Vice President (EVP) for Academic Affairs
  • EVP for Finance &Administration
  • EVP for Health Sciences /CEO UNM Health System 
And a designee from the following voting members:
  • VP for Research
  • VP for Equity & Inclusion
  • VP for Institutional Support Services
  • One Dean Representative
  • One Branch Chancellor Representative
  • Chief of Staff, UNM President
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Director Athletics
  • Senior Vice President for Clinical Affairs
  • VP for Finance & Administration, UNM Health Sciences
  • Chief Operating Officer, UNMHospitals 
And non-voting members:
  • Director, Purchasing
  • Director, Policy Office
  • Attorney, University Counsel’s Office
  • Chief University Marketing & Communications Officer

More information coming soon.

More information coming soon.